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1961年GalicichとFrench2)が脳浮腫の治療に初めてDexamethasoneを使用し,その有効性を報告,ついで1962年,RasmussenとGulati11)は下垂体腫瘍,頭蓋咽頭腫の手術症例を内分泌学的見地より詳細に分析し,その結果から,これらの脳腫瘍の死亡率はglucocorticoid使用後著しく減少し,このglucocorticoidの効果は元来のglucocorticoidの生体維持作用を代償した効果のみでなく,むしろその非特異作用,すなわち脳のcrucial partでの脳浮腫をglucocorticoidが防止,抑制する効果が主体であるものと考え,更に焦点性てんかん患者の側頭葉切除症例にglucocorticoidを投与し好成績を得たと報告している.
Endogenous and exogenous hydrocortisone concentrations were examined serially in the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid of 10 neurosurgical patients.
The blood samples were obtained from the peripheral veins and the cerebrospinal fluid samples were obtained through the lateral ventricular drainage situated for the relief of increased intracranial pressure. In all the cases betamethasone 8 mg was intramuscularly administered repeatedly in every 8 or 12 hours, starting at 24 hours before hydrocortisone administration.

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