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Ventriculocardiac shunt(Nulsen and Spitz 1952),Ventriculopleural shunt(Ransohoff 1954),Ventriculoperitoneal shunt (Scott et al.1955)などのmechanical tubeを用いた髄液内誘導術21)が交通性,非交通性水頭症に対して頻繁に行われ大きな成果をあげ,なかでも髄液路の閉塞をきたした頭蓋内腫瘍の治療においてshunt operationによる頭蓋内圧のコントロールが,きわめて有効な手段として用いられている.
しかし,近年shunt tubeを経由した脳腫瘍の神経管外転移例の報告が稀ながら見られるようになり,脳腫瘍治療.上の新しい問題を提起している.われわれは第4脳室腫瘍,松果体部腫瘍がそれぞれ脳室腹腔管を経由して神経管外転移を生じた2例を報告し,あわせて文献上の症例につき考察を加えた.
Internal drainage of cerebrospinal fluid utilizing a mechanical tube has been an increasingly common and effective procedure for the relief of non-communicating hydrocephalus with intracranial tumor. However, several cases have recently been reported in which extraneural metastases of the tumor were initiated through the shunt tube implanted. The purpose of this paper is to present two cases with malignant brain tumor metastasizing extraneurally through ventriculoperitoneal shunt, and to review the reported cases in the literature.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.