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Colloid cystは第3脳室colloicl cystという疾患単位がもうけられているように,その多くは第3脳室前半部に発生する比較的まれな良性腫瘍である.この第3脳室colloid cyst自体も本邦においては報告例が少ないが18),最近,我々は側脳室"colloid cyst"と考えられる症例を経験したのでその臨床的および病理学的所見を示すとともに,その発生起源および第3脳室colloid cystに特徴的とされている急激な頭蓋内圧亢進症候の発現機序に関して若干考察してみたい.
Colloid cyst is a relatively rare benign tumor which is usually found in the third ventricle. A patient who had a "colloid cyst" in his right lateral ventricle was experienced. A 33-year-old man had suffered from intermittent attacks of headache and vomiting for five months. On July 22, 1974, he was hospitalized to our clinic because of headache, memory and gait disturbance. At the time of admission his consciousness was clear but he had slight memory disturbance and urinary incontinence.
Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.