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頸部内頸動脈の動脈瘤については近年多数の報告があるが,内頸動脈の頸動脈管部(petrous portion)やその直前に生じる動脈瘤は比較的少ないようである.我々はこの部分に生じた巨大な動脈瘤のために一側性多発性下位脳神経麻痺を来たした症例を経験したので,これを報告するとともに,従来の報告例を検討し,その症候,治療などについて考察を加えたい.
Aneurysm of the internal carotid artery arising in or just below the carotid canal is a relatively rare lesion.
In this paper the authors reported a case of a large aneurysm involving seventh to twelfth cranial nerves associated with marked bone erosion of base of the skull. A 66-year-old housewife, with a long history of otalgia, discharge from ear, and facial palsy on the right side over 8 years, had a sudden onset of fever, headache, nausea, hoarseness, and difficulty in swallowing. Right-sided recurrent nerve palsy was detected by otologist.

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