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第3脳室colloid cystは,諸外国においてはWallmann(1858)27)の報告以来,約300例が報告されており,全脳腫瘍の約0.5%を占めると言われているが,本邦では極めてまれな腫瘍で,現在まで文献上報告されているのは7例31,32,35,36,37,38)のみである.われわれは最近,間融性頭痛で発症し,CTスキャン,脳血管写,気脳写により,本症と診断,手術にて軽快せしめえた症例を経験したので報告する.
The authors report a case of colloid cyst of the third ventricle diagnosed preoperatively through CT scan, pneumoencephalography and carotid angiography. The patient was a twenty-six year old housewife with a history of two repeated episodic headaches followed by gait disturbance. vomiting and cold sweating. At operation, the colloid cyst which completely occluded the right foramen of Monro, was reached by anterior transcallosal approach and was partially removed with subsequent cure of her symptoms.
The cyst fluid contained cholesterin crystals, cholesterol, protein (12.8g/dl), and sugar (16mg/dl).

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