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頭蓋内epidermoidは,頭蓋内腫瘍の0.6-2.5%4)を占めるまれな腫瘍とされ,本邦では,牧(1964)12).石森(1967)6),落合(1972)19),らの報告が散見されるにすぎない.本腫瘍の好発部位は小脳橋角部,旁鞍部であるが4,11),我々はMeckel腔より発生したいわゆるparatrigeminal area3)のepiderlnoidを経験した.このような報告例は文献上きわめてまれで,臨床的には他のpartitrigeminal tumorsとの鑑別がしばしば困難であり1,6,22),またtrigeminal neuralgia,atypical facial painとしてその診断,手術時期を失することが多い5,6).したがって自験例を中心に文献的考察を加え,その臨床症状,鑑別診断を中心に述べ,いくばくかの早期診断のために供したい.
We have reported a case of paratrigeminal epidermoid originated in the Meckel's cave.
A 30 years old man was admitted to the department of neurosurgery with chief complaints of continuous right facial pain and numbness of entire right side of the face of three years duration. The positive neurological findings were hypesthesia over the distribution of the right trigeminal nerve, absence of the right corneal reflex and nystagmus on left lateral gaze. Caloric response was absent on the right side, however the audiogram showed normal. Cerebrospinal fluid examination was within normal limit.

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