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A case of painful tic convulsif due to cerebellopontine angle epidermoid tumor which could not be clearly detected by MRI Soji SHINODA 1 , Ritsu KUSAMA 1 , Hiroyuki CHOU 1 , Shigeo MORI 1 , Toshio MASUZAWA 1 1Department of Surgical Neurology, Jichi Medical School Keyword: Tic convulsif , Epidermoid , MRI , Cerebellopontine angle , Brain tumor pp.599-602
Published Date 1995/7/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436901049
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A case of painful tic convulsif (trigeminal neuralgia and ipsilateral hemifacial spasm) caused by cerebello-pontine angle epidermoid tumor is presented. This tumor was compressed to the trigeminal nerve, and be-came attached to the facial and auditory nerves. The fa-cial nerve exit-zone of brain stem was also compressed by the tumor along with a branch of the posterior infe-rior cerebellar artery. Total removal of the tumor was carried out and neuralgia and facial spasm disappeared.Painful tic convulsif caused by brain tumor is rare (eight cases in the literature plus our case), but epidermoid tumor is not rare as a cause of this com-plaint (seven in eight cases). In preoperative examina-tion of this case, we could not detect this epidermoid in the cerebellopontine angle, because this tumor was the same intensity as CSF liquid on magnetic resonance im-aging (T1 and T2 weighted image) and exerting hardly any mass effect on the brainstem. On encountering a case of painful tic convulsif of unknown origin despite the usual preoperative examinations, it may be useful that same kind of brain tumor, especially, epidermoid might be concealed in the cerebellopontine angle lesion.

Copyright © 1995, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


