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後頭部に腫瘤を形成する疾患は,epidermoid tumor,cavemous hemangioma,eosinophilic granulomaなど色々のものが挙げられ,しばしばその鑑別診断が困難な場合がある.今回われわれはその性質やレントゲン所見より,sinus pericranii(頭蓋骨膜洞)ときわめてまぎらわしい形をとった後頭部腫瘤の1例を経験した,この例は後頭部腫瘤の鑑別診断上,今後の参考になると思われるので報告する.
A case of occipital tumor simulating sinus pericranii was reported.
The patient was a 4 year-old girl who suffered from headache and nausea following head injury on midoccipital tumor, but had no remarkable neurological deficit. Her occipital tumor was soft, compressible redish and cyst-like without bruit. Conray cystography of this tumor showed superior sagittal sinus like shadow (Fig. 4). Total removal of the tumor associated with epidural hematoma was perfomed. Histologically this tumor was confirmed as eosinophilic granuloma.

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