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断層撮影の簡便法として,患者の頭を左右に回転させながら正中面の断層像を得る方法は,autotomographyとして広く知られている。本法はZekles cles Plantesにより発案されたもので,特殊な装置を必要とせず極めて便利な方法である.従来までは,気脳撮影や脳室撮影の際,第四脳室やトルコ鞍周辺部の診断に主として本法が用いられてきた.
Acompanied with the recent advances of various techniques of cerebral angiography, the angio-tomography is now going to be recognized as one the significant techniques.
But, this angio-tomography requires a special work place with tomographic equipment. Thus the applicability of the method is now limited as far as the routine use is concerned. So, the technique of autotomography is often tried as a convenient substitute for the angiotomography, because this technique is very simple and does hot need any special facilities.
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