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肥厚性硬膜炎(hypertrophic pachymeningitis)は,脳脊髄硬膜に線維性肥厚を来す慢性炎症性疾患であり,感染(結核,真菌など)や自己免疫性疾患(Wegener肉芽腫症,関節リウマチなど)によって生じる二次性のものと,原因が明らかでない特発性のものに分けられる.頻度は不明であるが,近年CTやMRI検査の増加により発見され,報告例が多くなっている7).症状としては頭痛が最も多く,硬膜肥厚の部位により脳神経麻痺,小脳失調などの神経症状も呈する3,8).
Hypertrophic pachymeningitis is a rare disease,and the fibrosing inflammatory process causes a thickening of the dura mater. A 62-year-old male undergoing corticosteroid therapy for autoimmune pancreatitis presented with headache and right facial numbness. Brain CT and MRI revealed thickened mass lesion around the tentorium. The specimen obtained by biopsy showed a small number of immunostain areas positive for IgG and IgG4. Systemic IgG4 related disease entity is proposed and analyzed from Japan,and pachymeningitis is also included in the examination. Some autoimmune mechanism is related to pachymeningitis,however,it is necessary to consider well if only the IgG4 has responsibility for the disease.

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