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外傷性内頚動脈海綿静脈洞瘻(carotid-cavernous fistula:CCF)は,鈍的あるいは穿通性の頭部外傷により内頚動脈が海綿静脈洞部で破綻することにより生ずる.外傷性CCFは,硬膜動静脈瘻とは異なり,硬膜を介することなく直接動静脈シャントを形成するためシャント血流量は多く,動静脈シャントによる静脈圧上昇と頭蓋内虚血による種々の症状を呈し,外傷直後に発症することが多く自然治癒は稀である4,11).今回われわれは,外傷5カ月後に脳内出血で発症した外傷性CCFを,血管内治療と開頭術によって治療した症例を経験したので報告する.
Bilateral traumatic carotid-cavernous fistula(CCF)is rare. It is most commonly caused by a direct head or face injury involving the cavernous sinus and develops immediately after trauma. We report a case of bilateral traumatic CCF that occurred as an intracerebral hematoma(ICH)mimicking apoplexy 5 months later. We treated the patient with point occlusion of venous reflux causing an ICH using coil embolization to remove the hematoma. Three days after we performed trans-venous occlusion of the intercavernous connection and right cavernous sinus using coil embolization through the right inferior petrosal vein, it was identified that the left CCF was occluded after first embolization into the left sylvian vein. The mechanism of delayed development of traumatic CCF and spontaneous disappearance of CCF after occlusion of venous reflux are discussed.

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