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転移性脳腫瘍については,単発脳転移などを中心に外科手術と放射線全脳照射の併用療法,および全脳照射の単独療法,または定位的放射線手術(stereotactic radiosurgery)と全脳照射の併用療法など,治療選択のあり方についてさまざまな議論が行われている1,6,13,20,22,24,32,33).これらの検討では生存率を1つの指標に挙げているが,終末期に近く中央生存期間が1年間程度と比較的短い疾病機序などを背景に,おのおのの治療法が有する価値を十分に論じるには,生活の質(QOL:quality of life)や診療の経済性などを加味した多面的な検討も必要となる.しかし,現在行われている多施設共同研究や転移性脳腫瘍治療に関する現存の報告においても,生存率や腫瘍コントロール率(progression free survival rate)などは言及されているが,生活の質や臨床経済的な観点での有用性に関する報告は見当たらない.
そこでわれわれは,転移性脳腫瘍の治療における臨床経済学的な評価手法の検討を目的に,予備的研究(pilot study)を試行した.なお,手法の有用性の検討が目的なため,手技の複雑性や運用上のバイアスが比較的少なく,さらに有害事象の管理もできるだけ可能な療法と症例を選択することが,本研究の条件として重要であった.このような観点から,定位的放射線手術の1つであるガンマナイフ治療(gamma knife surgery)を選び,その一般的な症例について検討を進めた.
Introduction: Treatment design for metastatic brain tumors is required to firstly care about the life and function for which the patient hopes because it is terminal care. Therefore,to discuss the value of the therapy,a viewpoint of the QOL and the socioeconomic factors other than the survival rate is important. However,examination that applies these factors to the therapy needs to be carried out more thoroughly. With this in mind,we discuss cost effectiveness of therapy for metastatic brain tumor,through a pilot study on gamma knife therapy.
Materials and method: We studied 18 patients (mean age 61.6 years old) undergoing therapy for metastatic brain tumors. The health rate QOL was assessed by the profile-type measure SF-36 (Short-Form 36-Item Ver1.2) and the preference-based measure EQ-5D (EuroQoL-5D), before and six months after gamma knife therapy. Cost-utility-analysis (yen/Qaly) was carried out from quality adjusted life years (Qalys) and medical fee claims. In addition, we made a correlation analysis of the irradiation procedure and the gains attained.
Results: The observation by SF-36 for six months was useful for metastatic brain tumor. As a result, the QOL indicators showed increased mental health (MH: p=0.040) and role emotional (RE: p=0.029) with significant difference. In the measurement of EQ-5D, it was added only for one month based on the significant difference (p=0.022) from the pre-therapy QOL. The utilities that were analyzed became 0.052±0.175SD (score), and Qalys were 0.135. Because the cost was 721.4±5.2SD (thousand yen), the performance of cost-utility-analysis was estimated as 5,330,000 (yen/Qaly). In addition, positive correlation (r=0.845/p=0.034) was found between the EQ-5D utility score and the tumor irradiation energy (mJ), etc.
Conclusion: We established a new value over and above mere survival rate concerning metastatic brain tumor therapy. The socioeconomics and efficacy of therapy are more difficult to discuss in this disease than in other diseases. We did this by clarifying the measurement and analysis of QOL as compared with the cost factor. We found that quantitatively,the mental health rate involved in the QOL,had improved. We established that it is appropriate to cover this disease by public insurance,because cost-utility-analysis showed that it was under the threshold line. Our study also suggested that,when guessing the QOL of the prognosis,there should be grades of sensitivity according to the irradiation element involved in the therapy.
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