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The autonomic nervous system accompanying intracranial blood vessels has been implicated in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular disorders. Me-ningeal arteries are receiving at least two sets of neurons of extradural origin, noradrenergic and non-adrenergic axons from cervical sympathetic ganglia and parasympathetic ganglia of the facial nerve respectively. The innervation of the penet-rating branches of meningeal arteries, by contrast, remains controversial. Debates are concentrated whether these peripheral neurons are extending to the level of capillaries, or this innervation may be derived, in part, from neurons within the brain. Although there have been relatively few fine structural studies in this area, some points of agreement have emerged, particularly with regard to the fine structure of intraparenchymal microvessels. In this article, the fine structural features are stressed to provoke an exact know-ledge of the neurovascular relationships in the brain.

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