

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Proliferative potential of human gliomas in situ. Takao HOSHINO 1 1Department of University of California Medical Center pp.1023-1029
Published Date 1987/12/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431905954
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In order to better understand the prognosis ofindividual patients and to design more effective treatments for their tumors, we need more qu-antitative analysis of the proliferative activity and phenotypic variability of each brain tumor in various states of differentiation. So far, 357 pa-tients with various brain tumors have been studied, either by autoradiography using a pulse of 3H-thymidine, or by means of immunohisto-chemistry with an IV infusion of bromodeoxy-uridine (BUdR), a thymidine analogue, at the surgery, to measure percent of tumor cells in DNA synthesis (labeling index: LI), as the pro-portion of labeled cells by these compounds indicates the proportion of cells actually in pro-liferation cycles. The labeling patterns either with 3H-thymidine or BUdR and Lis observed in biopsied materials were similar. However, auto-radiography poses a potential radiation hazard, both to normal tissues and to the environment. In addition, the results are not available for several months. The immunocytochemical method using BUdR requires only several hours to complete, and the results are available within a week after biopsy. BUdR is not radioactive and the doses of BUdR used for this study (200 mg/ m2) are virtually non-toxic, thus a wider variety of human tumors have been investigated. Average LIs were very high in medulloblastomas (range: 6~21%) and glioblastoma multiformes (range: 5~26%), and variable in highly anaplastic astro-cytomas (2~21%). Although most moderately anaplastic astrocytomas (63% of cases) had LIs of less than 1 %, some appeared to have the same proliferative potential as highly anaplastic astrocytomas or glioblastomas, reflected by the high LIs. It is recognized that histologically similar tumors may have different proliferative potentials and need special attentions in predicting prognosis as well as selecting treatment modalities.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


