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Medulloblastomaが小脳正中線に好発することはCushing (19308),19319))等によつて認められ,更にある種のgliomaには好発部位があるという事は,既にB. Ostertag (193225),193626))及びPh.Schwartz (193236),1936)等が主張したところであるが,一般にgliomaの局在は単に前頭葉腫瘍,頭頂葉腫瘍等の呼名で取扱われ,就中glioma局在の相互関係や,それと組織像の関連性については殆んど解明されることなく,脳腫瘍病理学上の一課題として今日に至つた40)47)。
私は此の度,本学剖検例に福島医大の剖検例8例を加えた計101例のglioma全例に就て必要な限り切断を加え腫瘍の局在,特にその発育態度と組織像を対比しつつ,丹念に検索した結果,glio-maには極めて特有な発育態度を示す幾つかの"発育型"があり,更にそれらの局在は組織像,glia cell分化並びに胎生学的知見とも緊密な関連を持つている事を明らかにし得たので,その成績のあらましを報告する。
A number of investigators have tried to correlate the localization and the histologic finding of glioma group but this attempts have been realized not yet. The author, in a study of 101 autopsy cases of glioma, corn-pared their localization and developmental pattern with the histologic picture. In this study, he adopted a localizing representation, different from a customary one, which desig-nates a wlioma in relation to the lobes.
The results obtained are briefly as follo-wing:
In telencephalon the gliomas gradually change their histologic picture from mature to immature, as their location moves from frontal through occipital to temporal regions: that is, from frontal astrocytoma through astroblastoma, benign and malignant spongio-blastoma in intervenient areas to temporal glioblastoma.
He named this stream of gradual transfor-mation toward immature type, "Trend Line." Moreover, he found in telencephalon another trend line, which, starting from the foramen of Monro or its neighborhood, runs toward rhinencephalon.

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