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CLONOGENICITY AND BCNU RESPONSE OF SUBPOPULATIONS OF HUMAN GLIOMA CELLS SORTED ACCORDING TO DNA CONTENT Shu Kobayashi 1 , Takao Hoshino 2 1Departmeut of Neurosurgery, University of Tokyo Hospital 2Brain Tumor Research Center, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California pp.707-713
Published Date 1985/7/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205551
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Malignant gliomas, especially glioblastoma mul-tiforme, are composed of cells that contain various amounts of DNA. We characterized cells dissoci-ated from biopsy specimen of human gliomas by sorting vital cell populations on the basis of DNA content, determined the sensitivity of sorted cells to BCNU, and did the follow-up study using subpopulations cultivated for a long time after sorting on both the DNA histogram and the BCNU response.

Seven malignant human gliomas carried in monolayer culture which had three peaks on the DNA histogram were used for this study. To obtain each DNA distribution histogram, cells were stained with chromomycin A 3 and were analyzed with a modified FACS III flow cytometer. Vitai DNA was stained with Hoechst 33342 by means of a modification of the procedure of Jovin et al, which involved negligible toxicity to cells. Cells were sorted on FACS III at each peak on the DNA histogram. The colony forming efficiency (CFE) of each population was determined after sorting and surviving fraction was determined after exposure to graded doses (2.5-10 μg/ml×2 hr) of BCNU. Six subpopulations derived from two human glioma cells were cultivated for a long time and reevaluated by both the DNA histogram and the sensitivity to BCNU.

The CFEs for each cell population of three peaks on DNA histograms of human glioma cells were similar, except that the CFE for the far left peak (peak 1) in each histogram appeared to be slightly lower in four specimens. In three out of those tumors, the relative number of cells included in the peak 1 decreased after multiplepassages in accordance with the lower CFE values. Subpopulations of a tumor cultivated for a long time after sorting preserved this tendency of losing peak 1 population.

There was a variable response with a mag-nitude of close to 1 log when each population of human glioma cells was studied of its sensitivity to BCNU immediately after sorting. By cultivation of subpopulations, we found that a tumor con-tained two distinct subpopulations, which had different sensitivities to BCNU. This lack of uni-formity in the response of cells within a tumor may contribute to the appearance of clinical re-sistance to antitumor agents.

Supported by Grant PDT-159 from the Ameri-can Cancer Society and Grant CA-13525 from the NIH.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


