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This review describes the distribution of classical neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus on the basis of morphological studies. Although neuro-chemical studies have provided a great knowledge about the distribution of classical neurotransmit-ters, morphological approach is indispensable for the detailed study in particular on the mode of synaptic connection and axonal projection. In view of the chemical structure, classical neuro-transmitters are roughly divided into two groups; acetylcholine and amines. Acetylcholine is the first neurotransmitter demonstrated in invertebrate, and recently the most promising candidate in the peripheral and central nervous system of the vertebrate including mammals. Recent advances in immunohistochemical techniques using antibodiesagainst choline acetyltransferase have allowed usto observe fine morphology of the central choli-nergic system. On the other hand, bioactiveamines are further classified into monoamines anddiamines. Among monoamines, following fourchemicals appear to be established neurotransmittercandidates; an indoleamine serotonin and threecatecholamines dopamine, noradrenaline andadrenaline. GABA is a classical candidate forinhibitory neurotansmitter which can be regardedas monoamine because it is synthesized through decarboxylation from amino acid glutamate. His-tamine is the representative of the diamine group. Several lines of evidence strongly support the intimate association of histamine in brain func-tions.

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