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多発性硬化症(multiple sclerosis,以下MSと略す)は臨床的に種々の組合せの神経症状と神経徴候を呈する慢性反復性の疾患である。1985年11月以来,Koprowskiらや筆者らによって成人T細胞白血病(adult T-cell leukemia,ATL)や後天性免疫不全症候群(acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AIDS)の原因ウイルスと類似した新型のヒトTリンパ球向性レトロウイルス(human T-lymphotropic retrovirus,HTLV)との関係が指摘されている15)。現在,筆者らによって抗体解析による診断法が確立されつつあり,また原因ウイルスのgenomeが同定されればnucleic acid hybridizationによる一層鋭敏な特異的診断法が確立されることが期待されている。
Forty clinically definite multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and 10 possible MS patients were studied during last 2 years with a 0.5 tesla superconductive Shimazu prototype MRI scanner and later with a 1.5 tesla high resolution MRI scanner, GE-Signa. All clinically definite MS patients showed multiple white matter lesions which are usually best visualized by the spin-echo technique. Most MRI detected cerebral lesions were asymptomatic and the patients with spinal and opticospinal type MS, which are relatively more frequent among Japanese MS, also had a number of subclinical cerebral lesions. It appears likely that MRI detected lesions usually do not resolve completely and consequently changes seen with this neuroimaging technique may represent the cumulative effects of past and present disease activity.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.