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中枢神経奇形(central nervous anomaly;以下,CN-Aと略す)の診断はCTの普及により画期的な飛躍をとげた。磁気共鳴画像法(magnetic resonance imaging;以下MRIと略す)の出現によりその有用性である 1)三次元的評価と 2)優れたtissue contrast,3)boneartifactの混入がない点を利用すればCN-Aの診断はより一層進歩すると思われる43)。
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is useful technique to make a diagnosis of congenital anomalies of the central nervous system as well as other nervous diseases with excellent three-dimensional spatial resolution and without bone artifacts. We had experiences of MR diagnosis of various central nervous anomalies, demonstrated and described characteristic findings in each anomaly.
In Arnold-Chiari deformity, MR imaging revealed a morphological differences between type I and type II deformities; the latter had many supratentorial anomalies in addition to characteristic abnormalities in posterior fossa structures.

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