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Food intake occurs in response to systemic deprivation signals interacting with external oro-pharyngeal cues, and is achieved by intricate coordinaition of humoral as well as neuronal net-works extending from the brain stem to various higher brain levels. After entering into the mouth, foods are carried through the whole digestive canals, while receiving various physical, chemical and enzymological actions. The nutritive elements and water contained in the bolus are absorbed on the way of transportation, and the rests are ulti-mately evacuated out of the anus.The propulsive force exerting on the bolus is generated by con-traction of the digestive tract, together with that of the supporting musculature. The pattern of such propulsive movement, however, depending on the locus or division of the tract, i.e. mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach and so forth. Swal-lowing is one of these movements which involves the oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal structurecs and the esophgus. The topography and neural control pertaining to swallowing interlock closely with those subserving respiration, sucking, mastication, vocalization, speech and so on. Therefore, a developmental survey of those motor phenomena in the animal kingdom may be pertinent.
At about 10 weeks of gestation, swallowing at first commences in the course of ontogeny, then follows in turn gasping, sneezing, sucking, and later rhythmic respiratory movements. A fetus at about 16 gestational weeks has been ascertained to ingest diurnally 200 to 760 ml of amniotic water. As such, the act of swallowing is efficiently oper-ative before birth, although the relevant central nervous organization is not yet fully matured.
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