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I.緒 言
瞳孔対光反応を精密に測定し詳細に検討するためには,網膜に入射する光量を一定にする必要がある。従来用いられてきた赤外線電子瞳孔計では,刺激光が拡散し,このため対光反応が起こると,縮瞳により網膜への入射光量が不定に減少し,常に一定の光刺激を与えることができない(closed-loop)(Fig. 1)。そこでわれわれは,刺激光を凸レンズで集光し,瞳孔面での直径が最大縮瞳時の瞳孔径以下になるように設定したopen-loop赤外線電子瞳孔計を開発した(内海,1976)。
In order to study the accurate comparison of the pupillary reflexes under various conditions, the measurement should be done under the quantitatively constant photic stimulus at the retinal aperture. In other words, the pupil reaction caused by the constant visual input is required for the detail comparative study. When the ordinary diffuse light is adopted for the photic stimulus, the visual input, the amount of the stimulus light which arrives at the retina, cannot help alterating owing to the pupil area which is not constant even before the pupillary reflex and varies during the light reaction through.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.