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The biochemical study was extensively performed onthe cat brain mitochondria damaged by epidural comp-ression. The activity of the mitochondria from the trau-matized brain is decreased variously in their RCR andADP/O. The change in the mitochondrial activity ap-pears to be closely related to the clinical symytoms ofthe brain-damaged animals. The similar change in themitochondrial activity could be induced by the additionof the endogenous uncoupling factor (BMIES), whichwas obtained by extraction of the brain mitochondriawith isooctane, to the normal mitochondria in vitro.
The moderate decrease in the biochemical activity ofthe injured brain or of the BMIES-treated mitochond-ria could be recovered by the addition of serum albu-min to the mitochondria or by keeping the mitochondri-al preparation at 0° for two hours.
The possible mechanism of the development of brainswelling was discussed from the viewpoint of the bio-chemical change in the mitochondria.

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