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The functional significance of the thalamus is di-scussed with the following sections: I. Introduction.II. Sensory functions: 1. The specific thalamocor-tical projection system. A. Somatic sensation. a.Lemniscal system. b. Spinothalamic pathway. B.Vision. C. Audition. 2. The unspecific thalamo-cortical projection system. III. Motor functions. 1.Reflex regulation of posture. 12. Higher control ofmovement. 3. Emotional behavior. IV. Concludingremarks.
Attention is specially drawn to the results of in-vestigations which is now being continued in theauthor's laboratory. The experiments were perform-ed on lightly anaesthetized cats. Tungsten microele-ctrode was inserted into the ventrobasal group ofthe thalamus. Natural stimuli were applied to thesuperficial and deep receptors of the body. In someexperiments ablation of somatic area I of the cerebralcortex was made on several animals. Blocking ofinput impulses from peripheral receptors was madewith the subcutaneous injection of procain solution.Two types of afferent inhibition against cutaneousreceptors are found in ventrobasal thalamic neurons:deep and skin inhibition. A ventrobasal thalamic cellto be excited from the excitatory cutaneous receptivefield could be inhibited from the peripheral receptorof deep tissues (joint) near the excitatory cutaneousreceptive field. It appears that this deep inhibitionis clue to the corticifugal projections from somaticarea I to a ventrobasal thalamic neuron. In someoccasions, the excitatory cutaneous receptive fieldfor a ventrobasal thalamic neuron is surrounded by alimited area of skin within which stimulation inhibitsthe cell under study. This skin inhibition is not dueto the corticifugal projections, but clue to some co-llateral mechanism within the ventrobasal group ofthe thalamus.
It is also concluded from the results obtained inthe author's laboratory that the spontaneous discha-rges of many ventrobasal thalamic neurons are ma-intained at the normal level by means of the afferentinput from the skin receptor, and that the brainmechanism of the maintenance is mainly the selfreexciting neuronal circuit composed of the ventro-basal complex of the thalamus and somatic area Iof the cerebral cortex.
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