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多発性硬化症(multiple sclerosis,disseminated sclerosis,sclerose en plaque,以下MSと略)は中枢神経系の白質に主として(灰白質も時に侵される),散在性の脱髄斑(demyelinating plaque)を生じ,新旧混在し,大小さまざまで不整形をなし,肉眼では黄褐色半透明の病巣を示し,古くなるとグリオーシスのため硬度を増すので,多発性硬化症または斑状硬化症(sclerose en plaque,Charcot 1868)という。
Existence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Japan had not been believed until early 1950's, when Okinaka and his colleagues began finding Japanese patients with MS. In 1955 Okinaka et al. studied 270 Japanese cases with demyelinating diseases, which were collected from the whole country, and reported a predominance of neuromyelitis optica (Devic's disease) in Japan. Since MS Research Committee (Chairman; Y. Kuroiwa) was organized by the aid of Japan Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1972, the existence of MS has became recognized throughout the country.

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