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1980年代のWarringtonらのグループによって行われた一連の研究(Warrington,1981;Warrington et al,1983;1984;1987)を契機に,ヘルペス脳炎(Pietrini et al,1988;Sartori et al,1988;1993;Silveri et al,1988;Stewart et al,1992;Swales et al,1992;Sheridan et al,1993;De Renzi et al,1994)や,脳挫傷(Farah et al,1989;1991a;Hillis et al,1991,Funnell et al,1992;Laiacona et al,1993)脳血管障害(Hillis et al,1991;平林ら,1991;Sacchett et al,1992),緩徐進行性失語(Basso et al,1988),アルツハイマー病の病初期(Silveri et al,1991)に,ある特定のカテゴリーに選択的な意味記憶障害(category specific semantic amnesia)が生じる場合があることが明らかにされつつある。
This study reports a case of semantic amnesia caused by brain contusion. The results of several experiments showed prominent semantic memory impairment for animate objects and mild impairment for inanimate objects. Furthermore, memory of both visual and nonvisual attributes of animate and inanimate objects was impaired. It was thus difficult to match this semantic memory impairment with the category and modality specificity indicated in several studies. Rather, the entire semantic system was considerd to have been impaired in this case.

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