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Anxiety disorders were formerly included in the category of neurosis, and they have been interpreted as an understandable symptoms formed in the context of life histories and personal experiences added on the constitutional factor of the individuals. Recently, it is confirmed by etiological studies that hereditary factors are involved in the onset of these disorders, and there emerged many reports of approach with molecular genetics to elucidate the mechanism for the onset and progression of the diseases. We described here the current tendency in the directions of the researches about these conditions. About the whole category of the anxiety disorder, much attention is paid to the roles of the amygdala in the process in which the anxiety and fear are generated, and studies on genetic polymorphisms are actively proceeding about the GABA systems and 5-HT systems. In addition, as there are many difficulties to use the diagnostic categories as the phenotype in the genetic studies, advances are made to extract the phenotypes directly linking to biological conditions of the symptoms of patients and analogous tendency in the peoples within normal limits. Those are, the multi-dimensional-approach in which vectors of the symptoms observed in the patients included in a certain diagnostic category are divided into several dimensions and each of the dimension is analyzed as a quantity trait, and the effort to find the endophenotypes which are more strongly decided by biological factors. The latter includes the findings of the functional brain imaging. Elucidation of mechanism in a brain is advancing about each diagnostic sub-category, and problems specific for each sub-category are examined as well as factors related to the whole category of the anxiety disorder. For example, in relation to the panic disorder, studies about the NA Systems which is involved in the emergence of the panic attack and CCK which is known to provoke panic attacks are reported. As for obsessive-compulsive disorder, considerations about the establishment of the dimensions above-mentioned is vigorously reported and there are some studies towards the combination of the dimensions with brain imaging, efficacy of each treatment modality, presence of tic and age of onset and so on.
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