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筋萎縮性側索硬化症(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:ALS)は成人発症の神経変性疾患であり,上位および下位運動ニューロンが進行性に変性,脱落することを特徴とする。その結果,全身の骨格筋の筋萎縮,筋力低下をきたし,球麻痺,呼吸筋麻痺を生じて,平均3~4年で死亡する。気管切開,人工呼吸器装着により,長期に生存する患者も多く存在するが,その場合でも四肢,体幹,顔面の筋が次第に動かなくなり,コミュニケーション手段を喪失した,いわゆる閉じ込め症候群の状態になる場合もある。代表的な神経難病であり,現在のところ根治的治療法は存在しない。
To investigate the longitudinal course of Japanese patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), we have designed a multicenter registration and follow-up system called Japanese Consortium for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis research (JaCALS). Genomic DNA samples and B-cell lines from patients with ALS were stored and linked to their clinical information. We designed a telephone survey system involving clinical research coordinators to check the patients' scores on the ALS Functional Rating Scale-revised and their prognoses every 3 months. In February 2006, we began registering patients with ALS. Currently, 30 neurology institutions are participating in the JaCALS, and 905 patients with ALS are registered. The JaCALS has established an efficient registration and follow-up system linking genomic information from patients with ALS. We believe this consortium will contribute to clinical research in ALS.

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