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この稿を起こすにあたって,まずわが国における脳梗塞患者への急性期再開通治療と,それを取り巻く医療環境の変化を,Tableに示す。2005年に遺伝子組換え組織型プラスミノゲンアクティベータ(recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator:rt-PA)であるアルテプラーゼを用いた静注血栓溶解療法が国内承認された際には,米国より9年も遅れたドラッグラグを嘆いたが,その後の7年余りの間に,rt-PA静注療法承認を起爆剤とした治療の場(脳卒中ケアユニット;stroke care unit:SCU)や治療するチーム(認定看護師,リハビリテーションのセラピスト,救急隊員など)といった環境の変化が,急速に進んだことがわかる。2007年に定められた第五次改正医療法で,脳卒中がわが国の四大疾病と定められたことが,その象徴に思える(2013年には精神疾患が加わり,「五疾病」と称されるようになった)。
Intravenous thrombolysis using alteplase was approved for clinical use for acute ischemic stroke treatment in Japan in 2005, on the basis of the results of a domestic clinical trial, Japan Alteplase Clinical Trial. This therapeutic strategy has become the standard strategy during the following 8 years. However, this therapy still has room for improvement. One of the important drawbacks of intravenous thrombolysis is the limited therapeutic time window. On the basis of the results of the European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study III and the pooled analysis, the current time window is within 4.5 h of stroke onset. The window may be extended to 6 h or longer, probably by appropriate determination of the eligibility of a patient for receiving therapy by using penumbral imaging techniques, such as diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI)/perfusion-weighted imaging mismatch and DWI/magnetic resonance imaging mismatch. Newer-generation recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activators, such as desmoteplase and tenecteplase, will also help extend the time window. Patients with wake-up and unclear-onset strokes are generally ineligible for thrombolysis; therefore, the optimal therapeutic strategy for such patients should be established. Another important drawback is acute stroke therapy paralleling or following intravenous thrombolysis. Mechanical recanalization by endovascular therapy, antithrombotic therapy, neuroprotective therapy (e.g., using intravenous free radical scavenger), and sonothrombolysis are promising candidates for combined use with intravenous thrombolysis.

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