

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A CASE OF HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN (HCG) PRODUCING BLADDER CANCER Rintaro Machino 1 , Kimiyoshi Mitsuhashi 1 , Shin Suzuki 1 , Hirotoshi Tobioka 2 , Atsuo Hattori 2 Keyword: 膀胱腫瘍 , ヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピン産生腫瘍 pp.1061-1064
Published Date 1996/12/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1413901954
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A 39-year-old woman, who had a history of vaginal choriocarcinoma 8 years previously, presented with com-plaint of macrohematuria. Cystoscopy revealed a broad -based, non-papillary tumor at the left side wall of the bladder. Serum HCG was 291 mIU/ml and β-HCG was 4. 2 ng/ml. Transurethral biopsy revealed high grade blad-der cancer. Anterior pelvic exenteration was performed on 14th March, 1996. Pathological findings were TCC> SCC, G3, pT3b, pNO. Immunohistochemical staining showed HCG positive tumor cells. No tumor was seen in the uterus and vagina.

Copyright © 1996, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1332 印刷版ISSN 0385-2393 医学書院


