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61歳,女性。血尿を主訴に受診。術前診断は右卵巣腫瘍兼膀胱浸潤。手術にて直径約7cm の膀胱憩室腫瘍と判明し,膀胱全摘術施行。病理診断は移行上皮癌,grade 3,INFβ,pT3b,ly2,ν(+)。術後1年,骨スキャンにて胸椎,肋骨の転移がみられ,cyclophosphamide(500mg静注,第1日),doxorubicin hydrochloride(30mg静注,第2日),cisplatin(75mg静注,第3日)を4〜5週ごとに投与,5コースで完全寛解をみた。術後29カ月健在。
A 61-year-old female visited our hospital with a chief complaint of hematuria. Cystoscopy revealed marked bulging of right back wall, where a thumbsized non-papillary tumor was seen. IVP was normal except for marked compression of the right bladder wall. CT revealed a globe-shaped mass 7 cm in diameter on the right back-wall of the bladder. Preoperative diagnosis was right ovarian tumor with bladder invasion. At surgery, a large bladder diverticulum, the cavity of which was occupied with non-papillary tumor, was seen.
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