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The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) improvement effects by the urination care team intervention in recovery phase rehabilitation ward Tomoko Okano 1 , Yasuyuki Suzuki 2 , Ryoko Takasaki 3 , Maiko Kurita 1 , Atsuko Hiroishi 4 , Yasuyo Sakaki 4 , Yukari Yokoyama 3 , Shiro Kurawaki 2 , Akira Furuta 5 Keyword: 排尿自立指導料 , 機能的自立度評価法 , FIM , 回復期リハビリテーション病棟 pp.175-179
Published Date 2020/2/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1413206816
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In an independence tutorship for the patients with urinary trouble, Authors examined the results of the urination care team intervention which is multi-occupational using Functional Independence Measure (FIM). 65 patients in recovery phase rehabilitation ward, after apoplexy and who leaved the urethral catheter free. The non-intervention group (31 patients) of the conventional system was compared with the intervention group (34 patients) of the urination care team. The differences were not observed in two groups in FIM at the points of discharge, catheter removal, and hospitalization. On the other hand, the intervention group showed the improvement statistically in two points. These two points are the cognition FIM efficiency under detainment (0.10±0.23 non-intervention groups, 0.24±0.54 intervention groups), and the comprehensive cognition FIM efficiency (0.02±0.07 non-intervention groups, 0.06±0.06 intervention groups). Therefore, urination care team intervention of multi-occupational description cooperation brought a patient profits more efficiently (Rinsho Hinyokika 74 : 175-179, 2020).

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電子版ISSN 1882-1332 印刷版ISSN 0385-2393 医学書院


