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59歳男性。尿閉と高熱を主訴に来院。尿培養にてE.coli 105/ml以上を認めた。直腸診などにて前立腺癌の合併も疑われ針生検を施行したところ,前立腺マラコプラキアの病理診断を得た。そこで,抗菌性薬剤とアスコルビン酸による保存的治療を約3ヵ月間施行,良好な治療効果が得られ,1年経過した現在,再発および再燃の徴候は認められない。本邦11例目と思われる前立腺マラコプラキアの1例を報告し,若干の考察を行った。
The patient was a 59 years old male who came to our hospital complaining of a high fever and urinary retention. E. coli in an amount of 105/ml were detected in urine culture. Rectal examination disclosed the prostate was swollen to the size of child's fist and was totally hard, non-elastic and parti-ally indurated with tenderness. In ultrasonography, a mixed echogenicity of the prostate was found. Therefore, complication of prostatic cancer together with prostatitis was suspected and a needle biopsy was performed.

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