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Radioimmunoassay(RIA)に代表される微量定量法の進歩に伴い,human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG)陽性の精上皮腫症例が多数報告されるようになつた。われわれは最近,絨毛性合胞体細胞様巨細胞syncytiotrophoblastic giant cell(STGC)を伴い,血中HCGの高値を示した精上皮腫症例を経験し,本症例のHCG産生能について,生化学的,免疫組織化学的検索を行つたので報告する。
A 29 year-old male was referred to Keio Univ. Hosp. in September 1980 for the treatment of a left testicular tumor. Physical examination, chest X-ray, and excretory urogram were normal.
He underwent a left high inguinal orchiectomy on 25th November, 1980. The tumor was 2×3×2cm in size and red-brown in color. Histological examination revealed seminoma with multinucleated giant cells.
The levels of human chorionic gonadotropin in sera and tumor extracts were 78.7ng/ml and 6960ng/g・ tissue respectively.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.