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血液透析の一般化に伴い,慢性腎不全症例のCa代謝異常が大きく注目を集めるようになつた。そしてこれと共にイオン化Ca(以下Ca++と略)や,副甲状腺ホルモン(以下PTHと略)の臨床レベルでの測定も可能となり,後者ではN末端,C末端の分離測定も行なわれるようになつた。またVitamin D3(以下D3と略)の各種誘導体も測定し得るに及び,この面の知識も急速に豊富になつて来た。その上,治療的にもD3の誘導体の投与が可能となつた。今回われわれもD3誘導体の一つである1-α Hydroxycholecalciferol(以下1-αD3と略)の投与を行ない,二,三の知見を得たのでその結果を報告する。
During the period covering December 1978 through August 1979, six male adults with chronic renal failure were orally given 1-α hydroxycholecalciferol. In the first 3 months period, 5 cases under dialysis for 6 months to 5 years, received 0.5μg/day. In the 2 nd period which was from May to August, 2 cases out of the above 5 cases who did not show any effect and one new case were started with 0.75 μg/day. In 2 cases who had not shown any effect after the first period, dosis was changed to 1μg/day in the course of the therapy while the new case began to show hypercalcemia, in which dosis was reduced to 0.25μg/day.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.