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嚢胞性腎盂尿管炎(pyeloureteritis cystica)は同様の病理組織学的構造をもつ嚢胞性膀胱炎(cysti-tis cystica)比較にして,経験することが少なく,またその確定診断も術前においては難しい。われわれは腎盂腫瘍と診断し,腎尿管全摘出術を行なつた嚢胞性腎盂尿管炎の1例を経験したので,ここに報告する。
A 41-year-old house wife was hospitalized with a complaint of microscopic hematuria. Retrograde pyelography showed numerous, small. round, relatively smooth filling defects in the right renal pelvis and upper ureter. Total nephro-ureterectomy was performed under the diagnosis of renal pelvic tumor. Histological examination showed pyelo-ureteritis cystica and small calcifications at the renal papilla. Postoperative course was uneventful. But, microscopic hematuria persisted.
Including this case, 16 cases have been reported in Japan, which were briefly reviewed.

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