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同種腎移植術の進歩に伴い,腎動脈疾患,尿管の疾患,更に腎実質性および腎孟疾患のex vivo surgeryとして,腎自家移植術が行なわれ,良い成績が報告されている。われわれは腎血管性高圧症例に対し腎自家移植を行ない満足すべき結果を得たのでここに報告する。
A 49-year-old man was hospitalized because of severe hypertension (190/110 mmHg) during the last 5 years. An aortogram demonstrated moderate stenosis of the proximal portion of the right renal artery. The right and left renal vein plasma renin activity was 42.2 and 26.0 respectively. Transpe-ritoneal nephrectomy was performed through right anterior subcostal incision. Renal transplantationwas done extraperitoneally through the right lower abdominal oblique incision. End-to-end anastomosis of the renal artery and internal iliac artery was carried out. The renal vein was anastomosed end-to-side to the common iliac vein.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.