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Paget病(Paget's disease)は乳房および乳房外のアポクリン腺分布領域に発生する特有の Paget細胞をもつた皮膚疾患である。乳房Paget病は乳腺癌の表皮内転移により発生するが,乳房外Paget病はその病因に未だ不明な点が多く,臨床的にも難治性の湿疹様皮膚疾患として扱われ不適切な治療を受けることが多い。これまで,乳房外Paget病は比較的良性な癌前駆症として取り扱われてきたが,進行するとリンパ節さらに全身諸臓器に転移をきたし,近年はPaget癌として処置されつつある。
A case of Paget's disease of the scrotum, in a 66-year-old man, infiltrating to the retroperitoneal space as well as right ureter was presented. He was first seen at the dermatology clinic in January 1975 with a complaint of a pruritic lesion on the scrotum and wide local excision with irradiation therapy was given. He was well until the end of November 1975, when he started to complain general malaise and oliguria. On December 9 th, he was admitted to the hospital because of obstructive uro-pathy. The ureteral catheters were passed to both renal pelvis and subsequent diuresis was seen.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.