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今回,われわれは胞状奇胎の治療後5年目に,血尿を主訴として来院した絨毛上皮腫の転移性腎腫瘍症例を経験した。治療として抗癌剤の腎動所内局注およびtranscatheter embolizationを行なつたが,良好な治療結果を得たので報告する。
A 42 year-old female patient was admitted to the hospital with right flank pain and gross hema-turia. She received the hysterectomy for hydatidiform mole 5 years ago.
An excretory urogram and the renal arteriogram revealed right renal mass with increased vascular-ities and tumor vessels. Before nephrectomy, the renal artery infusion of Actinomycin D (total dose 1.5 mg) and MTX (75mg) and transcatheter embolization were made to the effect that the tumor tissue was completely necrotic and the procedure of nephrectomy was easy.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.