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後腹膜黄色肉芽腫(retroPeritoneal xanthogra-nuloma)は後腹膜に生ずる特異な腫瘍状病変で,多数の泡沫細胞を含む肉芽腫様組織からなり,臨床的に腹部腫瘤,腹痛,尿路圧迫症状などを示し,腎・尿管腫瘍との鑑別上重要な病変である。Oberling(1935)が初めて本病変3例を記載して以来,欧米では23例1,7)の文献的報告があるが,本邦では天野ら2)および湯本15)の2例をみるにすぎない。
A 44 year old housewife visited our clinic with the chief complaint of right flank pain and abdominal mass. Retroperitoneal tumor was suspected by IVP, PRP and angiography. Transperitoneal approach was performed and a gray-brownish mass resembling fatty tissue was found at the lower pole of right kidney which was removed including as much of the surrounding tissue. The histopathological diagnosis was retroperitoneal xanthogranuloma. A case was reported and some studies were done after reviewing the literature.
Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.