

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Two cases of the complete staghorn calculi eliminated completely by the combined therapy of TUL and ESWL Kiyotaka Oka 1 , Tetsutaro Hayashi 1 , Youji Inoue 1 , Mutsuo Hayashi 1 , Keisuke Goto 2 1Department of Urology,Takanobashi Central Hospital 2Department of Urology,Kure medical Center Keyword: サンゴ状結石 , 経尿道的尿管砕石術 , 体外衝撃波砕石術 pp.257-260
Published Date 2012/3/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1413102643
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Two patient with the complete staghorn culculi were treated by the combination of TUL and ESWL. Case 1:A woman 73-year-old was diagnosed as a right renal complete staghorn culculus in October,2009. She was treated for the renal pelvic stone by TUL and for the residual stones by ESWL 7 times and all stones were removed. Case 2:A 68-year-old woman was diagnosed as a left renal complete staghorn calculus in Febrauary,2010. She was treated by TUL and 4 times ESWL. In both cases,these staghorn caluculi were completely removed in one month after the treatments. It is possible to treat the complete staghorn calculus by the combination therapy of TUL and ESWL in an appropriated case.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1332 印刷版ISSN 0385-2393 医学書院


