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わが国におけるTrichophyton verrucosumによる人の白癬は,昭和36年11月から37年4月にかけて岩手県遠野地方において集団的発生をみたのが最初と思われる。われわれはその臨床的ならびに菌学的概要を昭和38,39年に学会報告した40,41)。T.verrucosumによる白癬は主として牛白癬から感染するもので,時を同じくして牛と人とに集団的発生の形でみられることが少なくない。このような集団的発生はイギリス,カナダ,アメリカにおいてはすでに20〜30年あるいはそれ以前から知られており,ここ10数年来その他の欧州諸国,中近東諸国からも報告されている。近年のわが国における牧畜,酪農の隆盛は上記諸外国からの牛輸入の増加と集団育成という新らしい牛育成法の普及をもたらし,その結果これまでほとんど見ることのなかつたT.verrucosumによる牛白癬が数年前から日本各地においても認められるようになつた31,32)。
The ringworm due to trichophyton verrucosum has not been appeared in Japanese literature. An epidemic of 39 cases from 1961 to 1962 in Tono area of Iwate prefecture and two sibling cases of Kerion Celsi, in May, 1970, in Yamagata prefecture were reported.
The clinical characteristics of tinea due to T. verrucosum are as follows:
1) It was observed mainly in winter, in the country area where cattle-breeding or dairy farm-ing were widely performed. 2) It was a direct or indirect infection from the tinea of cows. 3) The familiar occurence was proved in many cases. 4) High incidence in young and adult men and in children. 5) Infection most often occured on the exposed parts, especially on the forearms, face, neck, nape, and scalp in children. 6) The lesions were the infiltrating, erythe-matoedematous plaques with pustules and a slight tendency to the central healing. They showed multiple lesions in general. The acute deep seated lesions were common in the area of the hard hairs. 7) For cultivation and identification of the fungi, the brain-heart infusion agar with anti-biotics and thiamine HCL was proper. 8) The growth of the fungi was more easily perfor-med at 37℃ than in room temperature.

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