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1943年にWaldenström1,2)はhyperglobulin-emiaに伴う慢性で再発性の紫斑症を報告し,purpura hyperglobulinemicaとよんだ。その後本症については現在までアメリカ,ヨーロッパで数多くの症例が報告されている。本邦では1959年三好3)の発表以来現在まで22例に過ぎない4)。
著者らは臨床的に両下腿のlivedo reticularisと紫斑とを主訴とし,高グロブリン血症を伴う1例を経験した。この例はmacroglobulinの増加がなく,臨床検査で骨髄腫の所見を欠如していた。
A case of idiopathic purpura hyperglobulinemica in a 50-year-old woman was reported. She has had attacks of petechiae and flat, brown, slightly elevated papules on the lower extremities for 2 years. Besides these eruptions, on examination, she had the fine livedo reticularis on the thighs to patellar region. She complained of tendency to get tired soon after exercise in the M. gastrocunemius.
Laboratory tests revealed that this purpura was due to disturbance of neither coagulation system nor platelet system. It was due to non inflammatory disorder of blood vascular system. Marked increase of polyclonal IgG fraction in the serum protein was proved. The multiple myeloma was failed to be found. The cause of hypergammaglobulinemia could not be proved.

Copyright © 1970, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.