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最近,著者は肉眼的にも,顕微鏡的にも定型的な本症で,しかもDiaminodiphenylsulfone (DDS)により治癒した例を経験したので,その詳細を報告すると共に,本症の病因および治療に関して,若干の考察を行ないたい。
A 20-year-old man has had erythemato-vesicular eruptions on the extensor surfaces of the hands and feet, cubital and patellar regions, shoulders and face, for 4 years. Nothing was contributive in his past and familiar history except many decayed teeth.
On his admission, slight resistance on the epigastrial region, strong positive tuberculin rea-ction, 250-833 unit of ASLO, a quiescent infiltration on the chest roentgenogram, and scar due to peptic ulcer in the stomach by fluoroscopy were proved. The skin showed a severe remission after the extraction of decayed teeth. Administration of aluminum salt of fulphenamic acid, antibiotics, antihistaminics, and antituberculous drugs had no effect. After the administration of daily 50 mg of DDS orally for 2 weeks, they disappeared almost completely with pigmentation.

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