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A 66-year-old female started many erythemato-vesicular lesions with severe itch on the fore-arms in July 1968, which enlarged and extended to the trunk and lower extremities gradually.She was admitted to the Niigata University Hospital. The lesions occupied almost the entire body surface except head, hands and feet. They were polymorphic, severely itchy and composed of bullae, erosions or crusts on the urticaria-like erythematous macules.
Histologic specimen showed subepidermal bullae contained with many eosinophils and neut-rophils.
Though the lesions were severe at her admission, they became milder after steroid and non-gluten diet treatment. Digestion and absorption tests were performed at this milder stage.Slight disturbance on lipid absorption was proved by excreted amount of lipids in faeces and by the absorption test with 131I-triolein. Although there was no abnormality in the biopsied speci-men from the ileum mucous membrane, activities of hydrolytic enzymes of disaccharides-maltase, sucrase, lactase-were low. These results showed absorption disturbances of intestine as Marks et al reported.
Copyright © 1970, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.