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主として成人の頸部,前胸部等に好発し,従来よりAcrochordon或はcutaneous tagと呼ばれている線維腫様小新生物に関しては,後述する如き種々多数の同義語があり,日常我々のよく経験する所であるにも拘らず,それが臨床上全く良性で単に美容上の意味を持つにすぎないためか,今日まで殆んど充分なる検討が行われていない。
Acrochordon is a kind of benign fibroepithelial proliferation due to senile skin changes. It is a small soft papule on the neck, chest and axillae. It starts as a pedunculated tumor from the onset and is accompanied with many, not pedunculated papules, the nature of which is proved to be senile keratosis histopathologically.
Clinicostatistical analysis of 947 cases at the outpatient clinic in the Keio University Hospital-716 cases from the Department of Dermatology and 231 pregnant persons from the Department of Obstetrics-has been performed.
It may start at puberty, increasing in incidence with ages. There is no sex difference in frequency. Hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, papillomatosis and a narrow tase of the lesion are the main four features of the histopathological findings.

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