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Case 1 was a 45-year-old male, who was acciden-tally found a left intraparotid facial nerve schwan-noma, during post-operative following-up period of acoustic tumor in the same side.
Case 2 was a 26-year-old female who noticed a mass lesion in her left parotid gland.
Both cases had no remarkable symptoms. Thesetumors were growing slowly. Fine needle aspiration biopsy showed class I~II.
During operation, a yellow encapsulated tumor arising from the facial nerve was observed, and we removed the tumor totally in each case. After opera-tion, facial palsy was occurred temporally, however, recovering within several months. We found no recurrence in both cases.
We consider that the best treatment for intrapa-rotid facial nerve schwannoma is total removal of the tumor without injuring the facial nerve, and recommend intraoperative pathological examina-tion to diagnose this tumor.

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