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耳硬化症は単独で発症する以外に,全身の系統的疾患の部分症状として発症したり,あるいは,耳小骨の形成異常によるアブミ骨底板固着として発症することが知られている。全身的疾患の部分症状として発症するものには,青色強膜,多発骨折,伝音難聴を主徴とするvan der Hoeve症候群,頭蓋骨の骨変性,浅側頭動脈の蛇行,難聴が特徴的なPaget病,側頭骨に単独に発症し乳様突起や鼓室壁,外耳道の骨増殖をきたすfibrousdysplasia,前額隆起,視神経萎縮,再発性顔面神経麻痺,混合性難聴が特徴的なosteopetrosisなどがある1)。
A 50-year-old woman presented with a progres-sive hearing loss in the left ear with normal appea-rance of tympanic membrane. Pure tone audiogram showed a conductive hearing loss with the Carhart'snotch. A stapedial reflex was negative in the left ear. These data suggested otosclerosis in the left ear. Stapes surgery was attempted. Stapedial foot plate was fixed, and deficiency of the stapedial tendon was found. A partial deficiency of the facial canal was also observed at the operation. Otoscle-rosis with a deficient stapedial tendon is very rare in the literature, and etiology has not been known. Postoperative hearing level was sufficiently im-proved.

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