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喉頭に生じる嚢胞性疾患の中では.喉頭蓋嚢胞や声帯嚢胞は比較的よく知られている疾患である。一方,喉頭小嚢に由来する喉頭気腫やsac-cular cystなどの嚢胞性疾患は欧米では多く報告されているが1,2),本邦では非常に少ない3)。
今回,われわれは成人に発生した喉頭saccular cystの1例を経験したので,文献的考察を加えて報告する。
A 35-year-old female complained of abnormal sensation during phonation and a swelling of the anterior neck. Fiberoptic examination revealed a submucosal mass in the region of the right falsecord. MRI revealed a fluid containing cyst with extension through the thyrohyoid membrane. A lateral cervical approach was performed and a saccular cyst was identified through the area of the thyrohyoid membrane. It was completely removed by a combination of sharp and blunt dissection. Three-year follow-up examination revealed normal laryngeal structure with normal voice quality.
Laryngeal saccular cyst is uncommon disease in Japan. We discussed its diagnosis and surgical treat-ment.

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