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An epidemiological study was performed in a total of 2883 patients with ceder pollinosis in Toyama prefecture during the period from Feb-ruary 1st to April 30th in 1991. The most of the patients older than 40 years were free from symptoms before their age of the 20 years, indicating that there was no severe socio-medical problems about ceder pollinosis. Whereas those whose age ranged from 20 to 39 year had an evidence of nasal allergy from adolescence. The possible exp-lanation for these results may be considered that pollens of ceders which were planted after the World War II increased in number at that period, and that sensitization was aquired before adole-scence or puberty. It was March 19th when maximum number of the patients noticed allergic symptoms initially at that season. It was clear in accordance with the maximum number of ceder pollen detected at the Toyama Med. and Pharm. University which is located in the center of the prefecture.

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