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von Recklinghausen病(以下,R病と略)はカフェオーレ斑,多発性の神経線維腫を主微とする全身性母斑病で,主要症候以外に中枢神経系腫瘍,骨病変,眼病変などの多彩な症候を呈する疾患である。R病に聴神経腫瘍の合併した症例の報告は多数認められるが,最近は画像診断の発達とともに,内耳道の拡大を伴うが,腫瘍を認めない症例の報告も散見される1〜8)。この原因のひとつにdural ectasiaがあげられているが,MRIにて画像診断された症例の報告はいまだ見られない。
A 37 year-old-male with von Recklinghausen's disease complained of left sudden deafness and tinnitus. He was treated with steroid and hearinglevel was recovered. However, fluctuation of hearing loss was occurred after the treatment.
Temporal bone tomography showed that the internal auditory canal was 2 mm larger in the left than the right. CT showed no evidence of tumor. However, MRI showed the high intensity lesion on the left internal auditory canal.
The cause of dilatation of the canal was suspected to be a dural ectasia secondary to inflammation, because there was no anatomical relationship of the high intensity lesion to the course of 8th cra-nial nerve.

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